Wednesday, 28 November 2018

The Curious Case of the Handmade Bookmarks

One of the ways to make reading more meaningful is to have a bookmark. You will be switching many books after books but what stays with you all the time is the bookmark! I have been using one since December 2016 that I got from Swapbook Club Nagpur (link to their FB Group in case you are interested in attending their monthly meets - Swapbook Nagpur Club)

Here is how it looks-

October this year, I tweeted  this what you see in the picture below - (link to the thread)

Through Twitter, I got to know the people who made the bookmark and seeing this they said they will send me two more bookmarks!

This was awesome and gave me an idea that I can do the same!

Reading is a very effective habit and it really has helped me in many ways - here is an answer I wrote on Quora to the question - What are good ways to read more and how can I read more effectively?

One more reason that made me write this was that all the other DIY Bookmark videos on YouTube are either too fancy or they are extremely difficult to make for someone who's not good at crafts.

So given below is the way to make some simple bookmarks that you can gift to your friends and yourself :)

Things you will need- (Should be easy to find these at any stationery shop)

1. Thick Papers with Patterns (shown in the image below) this will be the base for the bookmark
2. A4 Size Coloured Pages (shown in the image below)
3. Glue Stick
4. Scissors
Thick A4 Paper
A4 Coloured Pages
Step 1: Cut the Thick Patterned Paper in sizes of the bookmark (12 x 4.5 cm). 

Step 2: Now take the A4 Coloured papers and cut them in lengths of 1.5 cm.

Step 3: The strips of A4 paper needs to be cut as shown in the image below -

Note: The length of the cut strip should be at least two times more than the breadth of the bookmark i.e. greater than 9 cm (4.5cm x 2).

Step 4: Apply the glue stick on the paper strip and paste the strip on the two ends of the bookmark.

If you keep all these you can have a few bookmarks altogether.

Here is how the final version looks.

As one side of the bookmark is plain you can go creative with something custom made for the person to whom you are going to give it to. I usually ask for the favourite quote of the person and write it on the back side of it.

Out of all the ones I have made I find this one to be the awesome-est...

In conversations, I got to know the person was reading Angels and Demons, I asked for her favourite quote and made an ambigram of it!

Happy Reading! and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! (my fav quote)

Reading List - 2018

2018 was an amazing year in terms of reading! I remember having completed six books by mid-February and overall it was good! I started with...